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The Dangers Of Having Belly fat/potbelly

In this article, I want to expound of the dangers of having excessive belly fat that looks a nine months pregnancy, without processes the symptoms of pregnancy.

What is potbelly?

This is a condition of having a large stomach that pushes out.It is also a condition whereby the abdomen is swollen.

                  Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages like beers,liquors and wine are made and fermented by a product called yeast. Yeast on the other hand,is used by bakers in baking process to enhance or increase the size of a dough. Beer is a highly consumed beverage all over the world, which contains a lot of calories and if a person takes in more calories than they can burn,the person is at risk of gaining excess fat in the stomach; instead of the body to burn fat it burns alcohol.
The consumption of alcohol alone, cannot bring about excess fat in the stomach. The reason is this,most people have a kind of unhealthy eating lifestyle. By unhealthy eating lifestyle, am not just talking about junk food but the supporters (meat).There are people that mount a small portion of food with 3-10 meats,notwithstanding the fact that eating too many meat is detrimental to health. Instead of eating a considerable potion of food, the person or persons eat a nosh-up.

     Fact:Alcohol increases appetite                                 for food.

The questions at hand is: why does most beer drinkers do not have potbellies and non beer drinkers do have potbellies?.

As I said earlier, our eating lifestyle is one of the causes of potbelly. In addition to what I said earlier, most people who eat late at night and goes to bed right away is at risk of gaining belly fat,constipation,indigestion or acid influx.
I am not saying that one shouldn't eat late at night,but eat and wait for at least 3hour before going to bed.
Most people might say,I eat late but I don't have potbelly.
That's true,just like all other alcoholic drinkers, who do not have potbellies. It's not as if the body doesn't store fat in most humans,it does. The part of the body were it stores fat depends on the persons hormones, sex and age.
Men are at high risk of gain potbelly than women; fat in women are evenly distributed, but as for men it is stored in the belly region,mostly depending on genetic.

  Potbelly may lead to:

High blood pressure (high BP)

Heart disease

Type II diabetes.

How to reduce belly fat/potbelly         gradually

1. Go on a healthy eating lifestyle: whenever you are done eating,don't go to bed right away because you are doing yourself more harm than good. Stop eating more than two pieces of meat(beef,chicken, turkeys and Porks).

2. Start adding flavonoid to your diet: flavonoids are plant compounds found in varieties of fruits, vegetables and spies. 

These flavonoids are listed below:

I.      Garlic
II.     Tomatoes
III.    Onions
IV.    Green vegetables
V.      Peppers
VI.    Ginger
VII.   Broccoli
VIII. Cashews
IX.    Watermelon
X.      Kidney beans
XI.     Soybeans
XII.    Walnuts
XIII.   Grapes
XIV.    Okra
XV.     Rosemary
XVI.    Pears
XVII.   Green tea
XVIII.  Nuts.

3. Cut down in your intake of alcohol or avoid it completely,that is if you take alcohol. Alcohol is useful when taken in moderation.

4. Avoid or reduce your intake of carbonated beverages, e.g soda.

5. Exercise: Exercise without a healthy diet is fruitless.

  • Note these: the amount of fat our body burns reduces with age. So take that step to reduce your belly fat now,because when you become old it might be difficult reduce it.


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